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Towards DDD and microservices based on database formalization analysis demand development model


In this talk, Ben is going to share findings in development practices, insights from the continuous changing journey of system analysis methodologies, started with User Story conjunction with UML diagram and drive the artifacts as ER Model, and changed to based EventStorming, Domain analysis, and Microservices based system design practices. In addition, will share What is the difference in development between the two as well? Or is it because of what reason the team was made such a drive conversion? What are the skills that the team needs to strengthen when making such a conversion?

When I received a request in the past, I used the method of database normalization as the basis for system development.

Until I touched the development model of microservices, as a requirement was raised, we define it in a domain. How to identify the boundaries of the field with the help of DDD through the fragments of information in the interview process with the stakeholders. Then we use this domain boundary as the basis for cutting the scope of microservice development.


To understand how to transform the development process from database normalization basis to DDD based microservices.